Title: The Roadmap of Life is Missing a Turn Genre: Who would be the lead characters? Who would be the bad guy/guys? What would the story be about? Where would it take place? Would it end happily-ever-after or sad? 100 Word Scene: (optional)
Here's a handy text-box for you ;) Title:The Roadmap of Life is Missing a TurnRead more... )
Name: Mary Jane Hoskins What did the character's name conjure up in your mind? Why did you pick this picture? Tell us about the character and what ideas do you have for their story:
A handy text box for you ;) Name: Mary Jane Hoskins
Title: Camp Bear Hill Genre: Who would be the lead characters? Who would be the bad guy/guys? What would the story be about? Where would it take place? Would it end happily-ever-after or sad? 100 Word Scene: (optional)
Here's a handy text-box for you ;) Title:Camp Bear HillRead more... )